Business Corporate Law
Business law is broad in scope and in nuance but can generally be separated into two major subsets: (1) laws governing business and commercial entities in the areas of formation, dissolution, corporate governance, local, state and federal regulation; and (2) the regulation of transactions in commerce through contract law. The Miami business law attorneys at Diaz de la Portilla Lawyers can assist with practically any subset of business law in Florida. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
Our law firm routinely services small to mid-size businesses at every juncture of the business life cycle from startup, to growth, to dissolution. Whether you are seeking to start a business, purchase a business, sell a business, conduct a business transaction, or wrap up your business affairs and dissolve, the business lawyers at Diaz de la Portilla Lawyers can assist you.
• Corporate Formation
• Drafting Partnership Agreements
• Drafting Corporate Bylaws
• Drafting Contracts
• Reviewing Contracts
• Drafting Promissory Notes
• Assisting with Due Diligence in Prospective Business Transactions
• Sale or Purchase of Businesses or Business Assets
• Drafting or Advising in the Areas of Non-Compete Agreements, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Non-Circumvention Agreements, Etc.
• Structuring Business Transactions
• Drafting or Reviewing Distribution Agreements
• Reviewing or Drafting Commercial Leases
• Risk Mitigation Through Corporate Structuring
• Employment Agreements
• Independent Contractor Agreements
• Breaches of Fiduciary Duty
• Business Torts
• Regulatory Compliance
• Lobbying of Government Entities
• Agency/Administrative Law
El derecho empresarial tiene un alcance amplio y matices, pero generalmente se puede dividir en dos subconjuntos principales: (1) leyes que rigen las entidades comerciales y empresariales en las áreas de formación, disolución, gobierno corporativo, regulación local, estatal y federal; y
(2) la regulación de las transacciones comerciales a través del derechos contractuales. Los abogados Diaz de la Portilla Lawyers pueden ayudar con prácticamente cualquier subconjunto del derecho comercial en Florida.
Contáctenos hoy para programar una consulta gratis.
Nuestro bufete de abogados brinda servicios de manera rutinaria a las pequeñas y medianas empresas en cada paso del ciclo de vida empresarial, desde el inicio hasta el crecimiento y la disolución. Ya sea que esté buscando iniciar un negocio, comprar un negocio, vender un negocio, realizar una transacción comercial o concluir sus asuntos comerciales y disolverlos, los abogados Diaz de la Portilla Lawyers pueden ayudarlo.